About Me

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I am a mother of 3 guys, my oldest son is married and has 2 beautiful children.My husband and I both work.He owns a small business. I work for a large bank.We are christian folks.We thank God for everything in our lives.Thank you God!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Mrs J and I have finished our baby hats for warmupamerica.They will go in the mail first thing in the morning.What is next for us! We thought we might make hats for the children or anyone who needs a hat for our church. This is Mrs J first craft project in awhile.She did a fantastic job! I love all of her hats. Mrs. J .thanks, maybe some blankets, scarves mittens,socks , we will give it a try.Thanks to Mrs P. for introducing us to loom knitting . Mr C. is there to cheer us on! Thanks for your support,Mr C.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

hi ,Its been a while! I haven't been feeling well and just not creating anything. Got my groove back. For "Welcome to WarmUpAmerica.com",I am making infant hats , I have made 17 hats so far! I made hats for them last year. This year I made hats using the round looms ,it takes me about an hour to make one. My co worker Paulette was using one of course I wanted to try it.Then my friend Lynette started to make hats, my other co worker Ivan bought a rectangular loom and I bought that for scarves.Hopefully I can donate my projects to others.

I am jazzed and have started to create atc s again. I am off to a good start, not to many swaps, just three to begin. I will post my new works when I finish some card.

My legs feel better, I have got to start losing weight , like my good friend Lynette!We tease her about eating well, but we want to change our eating habits! A must do for 2009!

Happy New Year!