About Me

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I am a mother of 3 guys, my oldest son is married and has 2 beautiful children.My husband and I both work.He owns a small business. I work for a large bank.We are christian folks.We thank God for everything in our lives.Thank you God!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

hi ,Its been a while! I haven't been feeling well and just not creating anything. Got my groove back. For "Welcome to WarmUpAmerica.com",I am making infant hats , I have made 17 hats so far! I made hats for them last year. This year I made hats using the round looms ,it takes me about an hour to make one. My co worker Paulette was using one of course I wanted to try it.Then my friend Lynette started to make hats, my other co worker Ivan bought a rectangular loom and I bought that for scarves.Hopefully I can donate my projects to others.

I am jazzed and have started to create atc s again. I am off to a good start, not to many swaps, just three to begin. I will post my new works when I finish some card.

My legs feel better, I have got to start losing weight , like my good friend Lynette!We tease her about eating well, but we want to change our eating habits! A must do for 2009!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Michael J. Moyes said...

What a great project! I'm going to look into it.

BTW, would you be interested in joining a new doodling group on YAHOO? I enjoyed your work at Doodler's Haven. Here is the address if you want to join:
